
Oil Cleansing Your Face

How To: Cleanse Your Face Using Oil

Using oil to cleanse your face may sound like exactly what you DON’T want to do – especially if you have acne or other skin issues, but for me it was the only thing that ever helped to heal my skin.

After being on hormonal birth control for over 10 years (yikes!) my hormones were way out of whack, leaving me with awful, painful hormonal acne for YEARS. My skin was inflamed, and it rebelled against anything I put on it, and everything I ate – it was terrible.

I tried so many different things to heal it, washes, lotions, zit creams, proactive, biotin supplements, even a $100 prescription cream and none of it helped at all. Then one day I was at home and a lady knocked on my door to ask to use my clothesline and in the course of our conversation she said this “It’s pretty clear to me that you don’t know how to take care of your skin – I want to help you.” Most people probably would have been insulted – but it was the TRUTH, and I did need help. She taught me how to oil cleanse my skin,

You can buy premade oil cleanser, or just make your own…it’s really easy and cheap too!

Here’s How:

Start with Castor Oil – that’s really all you need, but I like to add in a small amount of JoJoba Oil and a few drops of tea-tree oil too. I usually premix a small batch in a 4 oz bottle so it’s ready when I need it.

1.Massage a nickel-sized amount of oil onto your face, avoiding your eyes. Massage it into your skin well.

2.Wet a wash cloth with HOT water (not so hot you’re going to burn yourself, but just less than that)

3. Hold the wet washcloth onto your face for at least 30 seconds. This compress opens your pores and allows the oil to get into them and cleanse them.

4.Use the washcloth to scrub the oil off your face. You want to exfoliate the skin so use a little elbow grease, but not too much!

5.Repeat with the hot compress/ and scrub.

6.Moisturize your skin well with a mild skin moisturizer and then use sunscreen.

I want to challenge you to try this one time. Just pick up a bottle of castor oil next time you’re at the pharmacy or grocery store…it’s really inexpensive…and then do this just once. My guess is that it will make your skin feel SO good that you’ll want to keep doing it!

I usually put the oil on while I’m waiting for my shower to get hot and then scrub it off while I’m in the shower. I find that this saves a little time!

Tell me how it went in the comments <3 Kelli



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